What does it look like β€” in practice β€” to self-manage your mental health, and where do you even start? We reached out to a number of people at BetterUp, both coaches and staff, to find out what practices they use. 

The results? People use a wide array of resources, and most people have a combination of practices they use on a regular basis. Not only does one size not fit all, no single option is a cure-all. 

  1. Develop mindfulness

One of the first words that came to mind for BetterUppers was β€œmindfulness.” That’s because mindfulness practices have a cumulative effect on our mental health. 

However, developing a mindfulness practice is famously challenging. With so much to do and so many notifications clamoring for our attention, it can be hard to tune it all out for even a minute. 

Here are a few tips for developing this practice: 

Mindful breathing: Taking deep breaths can immediately calm your mind and body. The best part? This is easy to do even if you’re at your desk, driving, or in the middle of a Zoom meeting. 

Meditation: Research shows that the gray matter in the brains of regular meditators actually increases. These cognitive changes help us improve our ability to learn, form and recall memories, regulate our emotions, and reflect.

Gratitude: Reflecting on what you’re grateful for can bring you back to the present moment, especially if you’re worrying too much about an unknown future. This is one of the best and easiest ways to practice self-care for your mental health.

Mindful walking: I came across the practice of walking meditation and found that it works great for me. It’s the exact same practice of quieting your thoughts and reclaiming your attention as seated meditation, but perhaps better suited for folks who like to be on the move!”